Sonia, female outfit with many wearing options...
...worn together with the unisex Jason hairstyle...
(Jason, worn in naturals)
...Corinne, long braids...
(Corinne, worn in flame)
(Pamela, worn in dark red)
Visit EMO-tions!
Sonia, female outfit with many wearing options...
...worn together with the unisex Jason hairstyle...
(Jason, worn in naturals)
...Corinne, long braids...
(Corinne, worn in flame)
(Pamela, worn in dark red)
New release: Angie, female curly haistyle...
...Melissa, mid-long hairstyle that can be worn by men too...
(Melissa, worn in black)
(Paula, worn in dark brown)
...and Epeiste, male roleplay outfit with hairstyle included...